Our response to the CCC's Net Zero report

2 May 2019

Commenting on the Committee on Climate Change's Net Zero report, Ken Cronin, Chief Executive of UK Onshore Oil and Gas said:

"We note the Committee's recommendations today including the absolute need for both Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and hydrogen production. We further note that the working assumption is that the hydrogen used is assumed to come mainly from natural gas reformation in the UK with CCS as this appears to be the lowest cost option. The hydrogen will be used in both the electricity and heating sectors.

"The Committee also pointed out that gas consumption in 2050 will be 600 TWh against an estimate for UK production of only 85 TWh. In addition, oil consumption will be 140 TWh against an estimate of 130 TWh for UK production.

"This means that without onshore gas and oil there will be a considerable import dependency (as high as 86%) even under net zero conditions. A BEIS report published just last week concluded that the pre-combustion production, processing and transport of liquified natural gas generates double the amount of greenhouse gas emissions compared with a domestic supply.

"We therefore believe the economic and environmental case for onshore gas and oil in the UK is as strong today as it ever has been."

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